As I sat on my couch watching the flurries outside, I felt closer to all of you, well my fellow
wo/mankind. Partly because I was tapping away at my laptop connecting with the peaceful and spiritual community, which out in this part of woods is refreshing, inspiring energy. The path led me to
Humanity's Team an online worldwide community trying to help the world make the change that Gandhi is so well known for or quoted about. I was surprised to see the numbers of members around the world and yet more surprise by the lack of members from the Midwest. So wherever you are from if you truly make a spiritual difference for the generations to come....check out this
Anyways, I am truly grateful that today the snow made people miss school, work and actually take time for themselves. The divine is
challenging social norms of hardworking, go-go-go lifestyle. I truly enjoyed the snow even just from the comfort of my warm home. But tomorrow I will joyfully plow my way out of my driveway and drive to work. I will most likely teach snowshoeing and all the while loving the white as I blaze the trail for the spa guests. All the while reminding myself how the farmers need the mositure in this snow, how my gardens yields will have more changes to double, how the lakes, rivers need this water later in spring and I trust there are many other reasons that avivd me right now.