Spring is in the rainy air and clings to the the new plants breaking the earth surface. The seed of my yoga studio is breaking the surface as well. The valiance paperwork is in the works and the garage layout has been selected. The Indigo Moon Yoga studio will be coming into existence.
Many other
opportunities have been popping up into my life:
choreographing a local musical, more private yoga clients,
Dalai Lama 3-day conference and the
bellydancing troupe is working toward performing publicly in local parades and fairs. Check out my
website for the latest information.
Despite the lack on sun, I am grateful the rainfall is feeding the earth. My garden and the farmers need the weather to pull out of drought. The extremes of the weather really speak to the
environmentalist activist. I seem to forget how wet and humid the season can get, and how global warming is affecting everything. The extreme cold/hot days seems to be more frequent. I wish the greater portion of society will to take action to save the environment for the generations to come.