The rainy fall weather has taken over the sun and my SADS is kicking in:<
My trip to Thailand has been delayed until next spring with much joy. Since I'm trying to promote myself as a local thai yoga massage therapist. And with all my other jobs, I and pretty busy. Although, I just spoke w/T at the Beliot Auction service and I am going to be cashiering for them at state auctions. Good extra money for P and I.
J has my documentation for cycle II and now B is my advisor for cycle III. I'm excited to go in a different direction with my advisor, my huge set of requirements and adding healer to my majors. I wonder if my focus is spread out too thin, maybe I might want to narrow down my majors to one or two. Unfortunately, I will not be meeting up with my new cella group in Dec., but I will be starting in Feb. The winter recital will include a pre-show with my bellydance students and M, my boss, wants me to perform a solo piece, too.
The Hallows gathering is this weekend and for the first time, since to very first rcg-i gathering I went to, I will not be teaching. I am using this weekend to learn, relax and meet other goddess women. Some of my fellow Great Lakes cella circle gals will be there. I have mixed feelings about going. I definitely feel like I am treading on old territory with a new perspective.
As a part of my cycle III documentation, I am using this blog to show my personal growth in the process of becoming an ordinated priestess. It's going from public to private..