Monday, July 24, 2006

Kevin Smith explores dharma in Clerks II

Clerks II - July 21
Being a HUGE fan of Kevin Smith movie's (yeah, I even liked Jeresy Girl), I saw Clerks II yesterday. I made sure to watch the liberary of Smith movies in order to catch all the inside jokes, which I highly recommand anyone to do if going to see this movie. (Although this movie is funny enough without the inside jokes) The movie tackles the questions each late twenty-some and early thirtysome wonders: What is my purpose in life? Why am I here? Who am I?

Society and high school reunions cause the generation who grew up with the original Clerks to ponder these questions more seriously. What Smith does that other mid-life crisis movies have failed is that Dante and the gang realize their content and happiness with the lifestyle they truly enjoy instead of fold to the societal ideal of success. Of course, the movie includes a new batch of kinky sex talk, some trolls and cameos from the past like Ben. Check it out!

I am looking forward to its DVD release for the outtakes and extra footage.



Thursday, July 20, 2006

Thai Yoga Bodywork

A week ago today, I embarked on my level I Thai Yoga training at the Yoga Center in Mpls. This training was intense and totally worth my time and energy. I met and trained with a variety of people from different paths all interested in healing the world in one way or another. R from my yogi training group signed up last minute after I canceled our weekly asana practice class. I am glad I could share in her joy of healing work and attending the intensive. We plan on commuting together to the next training level and practicing on one other to put to memory the senqencing.

I enjoyed communing with others of a like mind outside of my yoga training group. I even met a women doing her yoga training from Yoga North studio in Duluth. M and I connected right away- I hope to see her at the next Thai Yoga training in Sept. for Level II.

I have already begun documenting my Thai massage sessions with my husband. Speaking of the boy, we are signing up for a Thai yoga bodywork partner class. I feel my dhmara calling....



the butterfly

Last week as I was driving to work and running a bit late, a butterfly and my car collided. The monarch stay on my windshield until slowly pulled into Birdwing Spa. I was reminded of Wayne Dryer's butterfly experience, yet I somewhat felt this butterfly was seriously hurt looking at its body as I freed it from my car. On the hood, the butterfly tried to stand up, to hold on to something and failed until I put my hand down. The little thing grasped my fingers and stood there a moment. I walked slowly with her until a great wind sailed her to the ground. Where I said goodbye, I wished her well. After a full day of work, I saw her gliding around. I was happy to see her free and I was grateful to have met such a creature.
I have been very mindful since then of the animals that across the streets and be sure to give myself and the animals plenty of time to get where we are going.



Sunday, June 18, 2006

The calling of Wayne Dyer

Flipping through the channels a few weeks ago, I ran across the PBS call-in special with Dr. Wayne W. Dyer. Now, honestly, I thought he was one of those new age "fuzzy bunnies" lacking spiritual content. I was proven wrong. As I listened to the program, I found many truths and wisdom coming from this man. He spoke about his latest book and I realized that I had received it from the book club, One Spirit, a few months ago. The universe was sending me a HUGE message! I am now reading this book and listening to my inspiration.

I am truly grateful for the message and messager.



Monday, May 29, 2006

Cracked open to Freya today.....

After reading chapter four from Deepak Chopra's book, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, the law of pure potentiality took me back a few springs ago when I was sifting through the aftermath of my divorce. The worthlessness and regret I had for spending "the best years of my youth" in a loveless marriage. While I was searching for the reasons I chose that lesson path, I started creating a potential altar that contained baby pictures with a variety of family members. This altar hung right by my bedroom door to remind me of the potential I still had within me each time I left to start a new day. My mantra was advice a goddesswoman elder once told me, "Allow yourself to listen and change can happen." She listened to her true spirit at 80 years, opened to her homosexuality and is currently in a healthy relationship with her partner. By witnessing her mindfulness and awareness as a golden crone, I realized that my potential isn't tied to an age or an era. My potential is rather my true spirit free from ego, control, and family/society expectations.

I have freed myself from the fear of unconditional love and financial independence. I have let love into my life. Now the altar I created as a way to heal from loss has become my Saturn return altar as I try to prepare for the potential child (whether a literal or figuritive birth) I could bring into this world. And a reminder of how far I have come and the dhamra or purpose in life I have yet to discover.

Namaste & Goddess Bless


Monday, May 22, 2006

Niyama-How do I live when no one is looking?

The second yoga training weekend and one of the focuses is on the second branch of yoga, niyama or the rules of personal behavior. I have to admit that this branch will change many personal negative habits.

Ironically, I had been searching for a netti pot a few weeks ago when I was struggling with a spring cold. I didn't realize the true preventive benefits of nasal cleaning, I just thought the netti pot helped with cold symptoms. My netti pot experiences the last couple of days has been interesting. My first impression of using this device reminded me of swimming and was kind-of uncomfortable. Yet to breath through my mouth, I must be relaxed. I have noticed a difference in my sinuses throughout the day since I have added this to my daily morning cleaning routine.

The idea of cleanliness goes beyond personal hygiene but my environment as well. Yes, I have been meaning to do so spring cleaning, but I have many excuses to justify why I haven't. This weekend, my husband and I are letting go of some of our "stuff" to make room for the things to come. I get so excited by the new ideas/philosophies that when I share them with P, he gets involved in my journey....I love P. He's so supportive and I am grateful for that.



Monday, May 08, 2006

Welcome to the journey of a yogi!

Hello! I will be documenting my training to become a yoga teacher among other experiences...

Today, I have offically sixteen more days of teaching at the high school and then I will be selling jewelry for a living. I am really just testing this thing out.

