Every changes, nothing remains without change.
One of the many lessons I have gained greater knowledge about this weekend deals with the quote above. The whole drive here I noticed the crows flying by, eating there meals at the side of the road, and perching in the treeline. A Crow is a fool, a trickster animal in my native culture. He can see his own shadow in a water reflection, think his reflection is another crow, and try to attack his reflection with no luck. No one can catch their own shadow or reflection. Now on the surface a Crow may seem fool-hearted and reckless in action, but a Crow can easily see himself in the mirror if he is willing. Facing a persons true self is a Crows gift. For my journey back to Madison was about facing my fears, truths, and doubt. All of those things I saw in my reflection with my experiences this weekend. I have drove into the chaos of change and the unknown fearlessness many times. Today, I feel I understand another layer of this quote in regarding to my impermanence.
The Dalai Lama was early this morning in starting class, no big deal. He spoke in detail about dharma sidetracking from the original teaching. I was amazed at how much I understood. (MB taught us well at yoga teacher training.) The "clan" ventured out to State St. and did a little shopping and dinning. I picked up a couple of books, The Essence of the Heart Sutra:The Dalai Lama's Heart of Wisdom Teachings translated by Geshe Thupten Jinpa and The Four Noble Truths by Ven. Lobsang Gyatso, crystal mandala bead blessed by Tibetan Nuns, a "Om" Tibetan bag and two bumper stickers. Both books were mentioned in our teaching with His Holiness and the books really spoke to me. MB found an excellent yoga text about each pose in relation to the three doshas or body constitutions called Yoga for your Type by David Frawley. MB wrote down the title and author for me, so I can order it from amazon. I also got a book on tape for my drive home tomorrow, Caroline Myss's Entering the Castle: Exploring Your Mystical Experience of God. MB was raving about it and recommand it ( MB and L were listening to it on their way to Madison;>
I have an early morning ahead of me. Good night.
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