Friday, December 28, 2007
Can you imagine?

Saturday, December 15, 2007
the chill of wonderland

The more I want to complain about how cold I am the thought dawned on me that I am not homeless in this wintery weather, I am not dying...just a little uncomfortable for my taste .
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Moving on .....western migration

I have been packing everyday and will continue until we drive down to cali for christmas with P's family. I will be staying, but P will return to Minnesota to work until the house sells. I am ready for a change even though I love my jobs (Birdwing, DC Community Ed., Hutch Dance Center, New Beginnings, LTMC). Tha hardest part of this move has been telling our friends, family and employers. I am so grateful for the experiences I have had here and the friendships I have made. Lucky, P will have help in whenever the final move happens and friends to keep him company while we're apart.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Sufi & the Goddess

Thursday, November 15, 2007
Dancing Tara's

Sunday, November 04, 2007
The 21 Praises of Tara

I have finally decided that she will be the goddess tattoo above the lotus I already have on my back. When I originally had the vision of my tat, I sat Tara with the feel of Kuan Yin. I was a bit confused until I came across the White Tara, who is the compassion, love and wisdom aspect of Tara associated with Kuan Yin.
This next weekend I will be attending the 21 praises of Tara, a dance embodying the great goddess and studying tantric buddhist practice. A public performance to follow the weekend workshop.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Hallows on the rain

The rainy fall weather has taken over the sun and my SADS is kicking in:<
My trip to Thailand has been delayed until next spring with much joy. Since I'm trying to promote myself as a local thai yoga massage therapist. And with all my other jobs, I and pretty busy. Although, I just spoke w/T at the Beliot Auction service and I am going to be cashiering for them at state auctions. Good extra money for P and I.
J has my documentation for cycle II and now B is my advisor for cycle III. I'm excited to go in a different direction with my advisor, my huge set of requirements and adding healer to my majors. I wonder if my focus is spread out too thin, maybe I might want to narrow down my majors to one or two. Unfortunately, I will not be meeting up with my new cella group in Dec., but I will be starting in Feb. The winter recital will include a pre-show with my bellydance students and M, my boss, wants me to perform a solo piece, too.
The Hallows gathering is this weekend and for the first time, since to very first rcg-i gathering I went to, I will not be teaching. I am using this weekend to learn, relax and meet other goddess women. Some of my fellow Great Lakes cella circle gals will be there. I have mixed feelings about going. I definitely feel like I am treading on old territory with a new perspective.
As a part of my cycle III documentation, I am using this blog to show my personal growth in the process of becoming an ordinated priestess. It's going from public to private..
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Pondering changes

My partner has also been considering going to college for comptuer graphics and gaming. He is actively looking outside of Menards. We have been talking about moving possibly. His friend , S, who is a computer programmer working for Monster.com is looking for an opening for P as a tester. Who knows...maybe we'll be moving to northfield or P will be living with S and home on the weekends.
Good night,
Friday, June 22, 2007
First day of Summer

I have been wondering about what ever happened to the RCG-MN circle?
The main organizer now lives in CA. What's the deal? I started a goddess circle in Duluth and few years ago that has now dissolved. Maybe I could re-build it or maybe Daughters of the Lake has resurfacing...as I am finishing my final priestess training years. hmm...I have had many ideas circling in my thoughts and ideas as of late. So much I need to mediate on...
- Opening Indigo Moon Yoga, Bodywork & Bellydancing Studio
- Daughters of the Lakes: RCG-MN (new name)
- Creating ritual circle locally....
- Moving back to Madison
- Masters program? Creative writing....MFA
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Book of Shadows

Today during the waxing moon, I have consecrated a new book of shadows that I won in a raffle. I have never been so formal with my thoughts or journals, but this book had some little insert with a consecration ritual...so why not. The truth is a BOS is just a journal of thoughts, meditations, magical experinces, etc...
Casting a circle....calling all the things I need to build the yoga studio, Indigo Moon Yoga, Bellydancing & Bodywork. In the meantime, I have called into my life a new job at the Hutchinson Dance Center teaching yoga and bellydance. R suggested I call up a local massage center to offer my bodywork there (reiki and thai yoga massage).
Good night & namaste,
Monday, May 28, 2007

I have found most of my previous documentation, but I think I will re-work most of it since I am adding a new focus to my growing list of majors (Ritualist,Scholar/Teacher, Creatix and now Healer). I have a great deal of notes to work with, but I would like to review and be proud of my end results. I have also ordered the new cella books to compare the old program to the new since I can choose how I want to finish out the last three years in Cycle III. I wonder about if I need a mentor before Cycle III and declaring my intent to become ordinated...hmmm. Good questions.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Legacy, my ego!

So a legacy...can be a person, an object(s) like money, jewelry or property and/or a quest. The use of legacy back in the days of King Henry the VIII translated to securing a throne through a male heir that could rule in the Tudor name as well as the riches and wealth. Soldiers were sent to war to leave a family legacy of being a warrior in many cultures. Like I mentioned above, in the early days of settlers in the New World (America), Pilgrims still tried to leave an inheritance for their children (mostly male children), values of the old world culture/religion and a namesake, a son. The word has evolved into something much different -becoming famous or well-known in a field of study. Some people fall into to fame due to their selfless actions and others search out fame and fortune. A key different, yet both struggle with ego and greater responsibilities to society.
So I ask you is leaving your legacy, your mark on this earth feeding your ego or sense of self?.....Each person can only ask this question for themselves.
Back to the legacy of the goddess movement....
A cutting from Ruth's interview with LGBTran zine,"Temple of Diana was founded here in Wisconsin in 2000. And what happened, after I moved here from Los Angeles, after being there for 20 years, it was like okay, I get to start over, in a sense. And first I incorporated under RCG again. And started that. But what became clear to me is the tradition, the Dianic tradition—meaning the legacy of Z Budapest and what I had evolved in southern California, didn’t really have its own 501C3 religious organization. So I realized that that really was the way to go. Because I was very focused on preserving the legacy and preserving the lineage, the teachings, in a certain way. And RCGI is a Goddess spirituality organization. And again, even though there are women who identify as Dianic, it’s not a Dianic organization, per se. So I wanted that. I wanted, I felt like that’s something I can leave behind. And then maybe we can also be an umbrella for other Dianic organizations that have come through that same door. "
And what door would that really be? Well, of course the priestess training program run by Ruth and Falon, called Spiral Door.
So then I wondered, what does Z Budapest think about the idea of legacy? why is Z teachings consider a legacy? Beside the fact Z is the founder of the Dianic Goddess Movement. Well, Z has her coven set up like a beehive system similar to other Wicca covens like the Garderian/Alexandrian sects. The coven has several different levels of study and once a coven member graduates then the graduate is cast out of the mother coven to start her own group. Kicking out a baby bird from the mother nest metaphor. What is Z's mission statement for Dianic tradition?
"We believe in bringing together the diverse souls of women from all over the world, to learn and exchange ideas, and to enhance each other. We can widen the collective female imagination through Goddess/Magical studies, connecting peace, work, ecology, freedom, and personal empowerment with happiness. Women united are changing the world for the better."
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Queens who stand alone

Watching a movie of about Queen Elizabeth, the idea of courageous women working within society's patriarchy. Taking on the disguise of Mary, the virgin and mother goddess to all, gave Elizabeth I a way to guide her people. Each Queen of her time struggled with how to protect the country's future without tying herself to a man. Take Cleopatra for example, she knew how to snake her way into having a Greek prince heir and seducing the noble hearts. She was trying to preserve her culture and people. And then Queen Nefertiti who with her husband change the Egyptian religious landscape to a single divine god without gender. Although Nefertiti's husband had several wives, she was the people's queen. Too bad Prince Charles had to keep his other wife Camella underwraps until Diana passed. Oh, irony....relationships and politics evolve as the rebels thorny actions and deeds serve.
In the age of the father, woman who reflect goddess move men's hearts, become the living divine. In the age of the daughter, the veil between women and goddess self doesn't exist. We are all goddess women.
As the iris buds open in the rain

I have called upon Iris to help me re-establish my connect with WTI Cella of RCG. I am a bit impatient and tending my fairy garden of irises, colombine, yarrow, lilies of the valley, etc, is keeping me focused.
Monday, May 21, 2007
The veiled dancer

There was a time when I wore the veils and embodied the goddess, Bride or Brigit. I spoke of sacrifice and heartache of hiding from the patriarchy.Through my relationship with Brigit, I found my true hearts desire, the mysteries of love and healing. I, to this day, veil myself in her honor and in honor of my sacred dance with she who is. Bellydancing is an art form of my body and a prayer of my soul.
Calling me into the circle,calling me home

I am back from the Priestess Gathering in Wisconsin with all of my sisters. From my last visit to Madison, I felt ready to face the unknown of this trip. I am not talking just about the drive to the retreat, but facing a community of woman after years of change with no expectations or fears of what may become.
The retreat center had a new dorm building that was big, new and beautiful for trance dancing, goddess marketplace and different sleeping arrangements. The first person I saw was M running registration and then L, her partner. I was happy to see a familiar face and M welcomed me back with a hug. Her girlfriend then recognized me later as I was signing up for my work shift. I was amazed at the heartfelt welcome I receive from so many of the faces I remembered. the woman I was closest to as friends were off on their own path and spiraling away. Here I was the first to leave Madison, the sisterhood that support me through everything and now the first to return "home".
The entire weekend went very well. I volunteered my bodywork skills for donations that would go directly to the Motherhouse. I wanted to give back to the community that had supported me through my divorce and so much self-discovery. Each woman I worked on was so grateful and giving of their abundance. I did offer my service to J, but realize as I was uttering the words that she was holding the energetic space for the weekend. So maybe another time.
My classes, yoga and bellydancing, were a hit with the woman I am thinking about what to offer for the Hallows Gathering in Oct. already. I met so many new woman, new friends. The energy has shifted. As I was witnessing the three cella woman being ordinated, I realized that one of those woman could have been me or still could be.... I know I am priestessing in the work I do everyday. Then M and L cornered me as I was packing my yoga stuff and handing over the last of the donation money, about joining a WTI Cella circle again. At the closing ritual, RM said I few words about sisterhood that touched my spirit. So I spoke a few words with J and now I am joining Cella program again. I can hardly wait until Friday, so I can speak to her in person and get caught up on everything.
Namaste & Goddess Bless
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Buddha surprises the Crow

Every changes, nothing remains without change.
One of the many lessons I have gained greater knowledge about this weekend deals with the quote above. The whole drive here I noticed the crows flying by, eating there meals at the side of the road, and perching in the treeline. A Crow is a fool, a trickster animal in my native culture. He can see his own shadow in a water reflection, think his reflection is another crow, and try to attack his reflection with no luck. No one can catch their own shadow or reflection. Now on the surface a Crow may seem fool-hearted and reckless in action, but a Crow can easily see himself in the mirror if he is willing. Facing a persons true self is a Crows gift. For my journey back to Madison was about facing my fears, truths, and doubt. All of those things I saw in my reflection with my experiences this weekend. I have drove into the chaos of change and the unknown fearlessness many times. Today, I feel I understand another layer of this quote in regarding to my impermanence.
The Dalai Lama was early this morning in starting class, no big deal. He spoke in detail about dharma sidetracking from the original teaching. I was amazed at how much I understood. (MB taught us well at yoga teacher training.) The "clan" ventured out to State St. and did a little shopping and dinning. I picked up a couple of books, The Essence of the Heart Sutra:The Dalai Lama's Heart of Wisdom Teachings translated by Geshe Thupten Jinpa and The Four Noble Truths by Ven. Lobsang Gyatso, crystal mandala bead blessed by Tibetan Nuns, a "Om" Tibetan bag and two bumper stickers. Both books were mentioned in our teaching with His Holiness and the books really spoke to me. MB found an excellent yoga text about each pose in relation to the three doshas or body constitutions called Yoga for your Type by David Frawley. MB wrote down the title and author for me, so I can order it from amazon. I also got a book on tape for my drive home tomorrow, Caroline Myss's Entering the Castle: Exploring Your Mystical Experience of God. MB was raving about it and recommand it ( MB and L were listening to it on their way to Madison;>
I have an early morning ahead of me. Good night.
Teaching from a holy humble man

The best part of the teachings yesterday was simply being in the present of His Holiness. The calm stillness that sweeped the Energy Center like waves as he entered even before the public could really see him-the knowingness of him was very powerful.I was tearing up at the first sight of him. His laughter and joking throughout the day. I found myself smiling and giggling as well without understanding the Tibetan language he was speaking. The translator tries to give the English verison, but the language misses the mark a bit. There are people of many nations, religions, and ethic backgrounds...coexisting together to study with the great humble master.
I am very grateful that I am here to learn, study, and heal myself. I have a full day of teachings and maybe a brief shopping trip to State St. I have been taking notes and journaling as I go and I will transfer more thoughts later.
Monday, April 30, 2007
Being reborn into a new year

My partner, P, is home with the weekly food supply. He did good our special morning breakfast will be wonderful I am sure. ;>
Coming home...

Sunday, April 01, 2007
Stillness on the water...

Many other opportunities have been popping up into my life: choreographing a local musical, more private yoga clients, Dalai Lama 3-day conference and the bellydancing troupe is working toward performing publicly in local parades and fairs. Check out my website for the latest information.
Despite the lack on sun, I am grateful the rainfall is feeding the earth. My garden and the farmers need the weather to pull out of drought. The extremes of the weather really speak to the environmentalist activist. I seem to forget how wet and humid the season can get, and how global warming is affecting everything. The extreme cold/hot days seems to be more frequent. I wish the greater portion of society will to take action to save the environment for the generations to come.
Friday, March 02, 2007
Blessed by the buddha
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Evolving in community...in a blizzard
Anyways, I am truly grateful that today the snow made people miss school, work and actually take time for themselves. The divine is challenging social norms of hardworking, go-go-go lifestyle. I truly enjoyed the snow even just from the comfort of my warm home. But tomorrow I will joyfully plow my way out of my driveway and drive to work. I will most likely teach snowshoeing and all the while loving the white as I blaze the trail for the spa guests. All the while reminding myself how the farmers need the mositure in this snow, how my gardens yields will have more changes to double, how the lakes, rivers need this water later in spring and I trust there are many other reasons that avivd me right now.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Conversations with God

Since I have began my life's purpose, I find myself spending "the word" of the unique divine within each of us through yoga, meditation, bellydancing and energy bodywork. I am amazed at the twists and turns I have created to get to the place I am today. Movies from Spiritual Cinema have inspired me and I am grateful for the work they do as the messengers. Thank you.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
The Universe Works faster when you are following you lifes purpose...

More updates: My job at Birdwing spa has changed and evolved so much....I am doing web development plus working as a yoga and fitness instructor. Recently, I have been going through training for the spa treatments such as herbal wraps and scalp massage. I am excited to continue my spa service training with Linda (spa manager & head chef). I am so grateful to Linda for convincing the owner to offer my thai yoga therapy services on a regular basics. Birdwing was going through a slump in clients and day spa guests, but now has tripled its clients due to the latest addition D, our marketing and spa director. Her new energy has really made a HUGE difference in how the business is run. Change was so badly overdue! I am happy to see positive energy and the laws of attraction at work here.By the way, the movie "The Secret" was life inspiring to me, D and everyone else I have been borrowing it to in the past few months.
Speaking of the law of attraction, Genesis Salon/Enso Spa yoga and bellydancing classes started out very strong and is now barely getting yoga students returning. I am trying hard not to take it personally, which has been easier since my hours at Birdwing Spa have increased dramatically. Surprisingly, my bellydancing classes have been such a hit with the locals in surrounding towns. In Jan. I was interviewed in the local Litchfield paper and the same story ran in the local Hutchinson paper, too. A few days later, I booked a performance date around Valentine's for the local Red Hats Tea party at the senior center. I also have been booking corporate yoga classes. The opportunities have been fast and furious. I am enjoying every moment!
I am hoping the Enso spa Spa Open House brings in more business to the yoga classes and massage therapists. Although, I am surprisingly not attached to my previously eight yoga/bellydancing classes at Enso Spa. Many other organizations are interested in my teaching talents and have offer their space to me for teaching bellydacing and yoga talents, so maybe I will be teaching in a different setting....who knows.
There were a several other lessons I learned since I was last here, but my partner is calling me to bed so I will continue the update tomorrow.