Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer deconstruction

The business of summer is in full swing, vistors flow in and out of my yoga classes while my regulars become less regulary attending my classes go on trips or simply enjoying the sunny weather. The ebb and flow of students as well as ones yoga practice are dufitully linked. Where once the choas of summer overwhelmed me with choices of things to do, to see, to spend my money I wade through this summer storm until the reflection of winter. I remind myself to pace my adventures, to have patience through the rush of the harvest time and to enjoy every moment.

Including the moment when my law-in, my roomates, decided to remodel. The project started as a kitchen cabinet refininshing and become a full-blown kitchen remodel. Each day this project grows with ideas and dismantling of more spaces hallway corners, rewiring in the attic, plumbering,etc. Making a large four bedroom house seem like living in a fishbowl. I am extremely grateful for a room with a bed to sleep in and house my two cats.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Ok, so my silence has been here, but louder than ever in my life. My partner is with me in Cali without a job still....I am trying to be relaxed about the whole situation, but my patience is really being tested. Who knew this town was so small that without local connections one can land an review or a job. I am trying to whipped up spells to help the energies along with the house to sale, P to get a job, and an affordable apartment/house in the area. I feel like my energy is spread thin, but I am trying some candle magic along with the divination I have been using.

Meanwhile, I am totally hankering to dance at a powwow and work on my tradecloth outfit as well as beadwork. Unfortualy, the beadwork will have to wait until the storage unit can be looked through...there are only a few powwows in the area each year. I am planning on dancing at the Chumash Powwow in early October. Maybe the only northern tradish dancer there!