Monday, May 22, 2006

Niyama-How do I live when no one is looking?

The second yoga training weekend and one of the focuses is on the second branch of yoga, niyama or the rules of personal behavior. I have to admit that this branch will change many personal negative habits.

Ironically, I had been searching for a netti pot a few weeks ago when I was struggling with a spring cold. I didn't realize the true preventive benefits of nasal cleaning, I just thought the netti pot helped with cold symptoms. My netti pot experiences the last couple of days has been interesting. My first impression of using this device reminded me of swimming and was kind-of uncomfortable. Yet to breath through my mouth, I must be relaxed. I have noticed a difference in my sinuses throughout the day since I have added this to my daily morning cleaning routine.

The idea of cleanliness goes beyond personal hygiene but my environment as well. Yes, I have been meaning to do so spring cleaning, but I have many excuses to justify why I haven't. This weekend, my husband and I are letting go of some of our "stuff" to make room for the things to come. I get so excited by the new ideas/philosophies that when I share them with P, he gets involved in my journey....I love P. He's so supportive and I am grateful for that.



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