Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Intensive or not?

Well, is weekend did more empowering of my WTI (Women's Theology Institute)circle community than I would have imagine as the events of the weekend unfolded. So I took a flight to Seattle last Thursday with a brief stop in Salt Lake City, and I met Ade from my WTI circle. I spend my first night at her beautiful witchy house, full of Frida art, and a sea of Mother Mary.
A snow storm kept Jade in Madison over the weekend and my WTI sisters without a cosmology intensive. Of course, the gals were totally dissappointed and I was too for a few minutes. Then I just figured we could use the weekend as a Cella weekend instead. Why not? As the weekend went on without a second thought as to the strength and flexiablity within the group to adapt to the present gifts we were given. I felt the women really connect with each other and discover their creativity and personal power to let go and move on. I really got a clear picture of the groups relationship with the motherhouse and SJ.

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